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What is Kode2Learn Day? A brief history... 


Prior to the establishment of Kode2Learn as an official student organization at Miami University, Kode2Learn was a simple one day event put on as a final project for Nora Husani's EDL 290 leadership course.  Below is an excerpt from Nora's final reflection paper for the project:


"November 16, 2013: During the fall 2013 semester, I successfully planned and implemented a 4-hour computer programming event for 20 local 3rd-8th graders. I believe coding teaches people how to think, and our goal for the participants was not about learning to code, it was about learning to learn. I called this project “Kode2Learn.” The “K” stood for kids, the “2” stood for the two pillars of this program: problem solving and teamwork, and “Learn” was the overall goal. On the day-of, participants:

  • Learned basic programming concepts in the Java programming language

  • Worked with a programming software called Processing

  • Completed a team building and problem solving activity where they created an egg drop container and dropped the egg from the highest floor in the Engineering Building

  • Learned about a programming tool called Scratch

















I loved watching the participants’ faces light up when they made their computer program do something new! In reflection, this experience helped me apply concepts learned in EDL 290 (a 2-credit course for Scholar Leaders) such as strengths and weakness. For me, one of my greatest strengths was passion and I was able to use this to plan a day that I will never forget. From participation in the Scholar Leader Community, I have learned that no man is an island and that it is important to reach out for help. I would not have been able to create such a successful program without the help of others. In the future, I plan to organize similar events. I actually want to create a student organization that puts on coding events for children. It will take a lot of work but I plan to further develop my leadership philosophy by putting on more events like Kode2Learn."


-Nora Husani (Fall 2013)


Kode2Learn was founded as an official student organization one year later in the Fall of 2014. 



Kode2Learn Day has since become an annual event hosted at Miami University!

To view photos from past events please see the links below:


Kode2Learn Day 2013 

Kode2Learn Day 2014 

Kode2Learn Day 2015

Interactive Computer Coding Experience for Kids:

Kode2Learn Day



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